<![CDATA[blog]]> /blog ISO100 blog en-us iso100@gmail.com Copyright 2021 2021-02-26EST14:19:55-18000 <![CDATA[Triggering a Specific Tab in the Gumby Framework]]> /blog/triggering-a-specific-tab-in-the-gumby-framework /blog/triggering-a-specific-tab-in-the-gumby-framework For the past few month's I've been using the wonderful Gumby Framework by Digital Surgeons. One thing that didn't come out of the box was a way to raise a specific tab when visiting a page.

<![CDATA[When “Random” Isn't So Random]]> /blog/when-random-isnt-so-random /blog/when-random-isnt-so-random I recently purchased a new car that has the ability to stream music over bluetooth or via USB. After tiring of handling the sometimes buggy bluetooth connection, I threw about 700 songs on a USB stick and left it plugged into the car. Now, if I'm too lazy to futz with a bluetooth connection I still have a subset of my music available for instant play.

<![CDATA[Keep git out of your cache folders]]> /blog/keep-git-out-of-your-cache-folders /blog/keep-git-out-of-your-cache-folders My good friend just shared a quick and easy way to keep git out of cache folders while still allowing the bare folder to be added to the repo.

<![CDATA[X-Ray Vision for Your SCSS Projects]]> /blog/x-ray-vision-for-your-scss-projects /blog/x-ray-vision-for-your-scss-projects While working on a recent web project with a fine-grained grid, I found the need to easily see the sizes of my block level elements. After trying a few techniques I settled on the following code.

<![CDATA[Informal Survey: Code Indentation for Embeds?]]> /blog/informal-survey-code-indentation-for-embeds /blog/informal-survey-code-indentation-for-embeds I've noticed myself wrestling a bit with code indentation and specifically how it relates to content that is included from "embeds" or "partials". I hate seeing rendered code indentation all over the place.

<![CDATA[Removing the rear brake bias valve from your XR4Ti]]> /blog/removing-the-rear-brake-bias-valve-from-your-xr4ti /blog/removing-the-rear-brake-bias-valve-from-your-xr4ti About a year ago I sold my Volkswagen Passat and purchased a 1988 Merkur XR4Ti. While its stock braking system was likely pretty advanced for the eighties, it wasn't good for the increased performance levels I was aiming to achieve with the car.

<![CDATA[Apache.conf Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text 2]]> /blog/apacheconf-syntax-highlighting-in-sublime-text-2 /blog/apacheconf-syntax-highlighting-in-sublime-text-2 I've been spending the last two days in ST2 laboriously creating 301 RewriteRules for a site migration. None of the file types and highlight rulesets I had installed helped me read what I was working on any better.

<![CDATA[Statamic Theming]]> /blog/statamic-theming /blog/statamic-theming Because of how Statamic stores everything in flat files - even content - drop-in themes like Wordpress has been enjoying for a while are now a reality.

<![CDATA[Related Content Via Taxonomy Overlap in Statamic]]> /blog/related-content-via-taxonomy-overlap-in-statamic /blog/related-content-via-taxonomy-overlap-in-statamic In my todo list of things to work on with my new Statamic-based blog was the ability to show related blog posts based on tags. In ExpressionEngine, a tag feature requires a 3rd party plugin from the start. In Statamic, flexible taxonomies come out of the box.

<![CDATA[Statamic Plugin: Replace]]> /blog/statamic-plugin-replace /blog/statamic-plugin-replace I noticed a lack of any text replace plugins for Statamic so I ported Low's ExpressionEngine plugin "Replace" over.
