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Statamic Theming

Because of how Statamic stores everything in flat files - even content - drop-in themes like Wordpress has been enjoying for a while are now a reality.

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Related Content Via Taxonomy Overlap in Statamic

In my todo list of things to work on with my new Statamic-based blog was the ability to show related blog posts based on tags. In ExpressionEngine, a tag feature requires a 3rd party plugin from the start. In Statamic, flexible taxonomies come out of the box.

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Statamic Plugin: Replace

I noticed a lack of any text replace plugins for Statamic so I ported Low's ExpressionEngine plugin "Replace" over.

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Reborn With Statamic, Compass, Bourbon and Neat

When I first heard that was working on a new CMS I didn't know what to think. Was Jack abandoning ExpressionEngine addon development?

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